Posts by Martin Fjordvald
Hong Kong Tur
Securing Nginx + PHP When Using Path Info
The Fun that is UTF-8 Support in PHP
Lately I’ve been working with a friend on a daily-deal aggregator. The Groupon-like sites are popping up everywhere and the market for aggregators is still fairly unfilled. My project, Alladeals, target the Swedish daily deals market and as such it needs to support Swedish characters. In future it might have to support other languages as well so I decided that UTF8 was the way to go. Since most webpages are encoded in UTF-8 these days it has been fairly painless to actually work with UTF-8 in PHP, that is, until yesterday.
Optimizing Nginx for High Traffic Loads
While we cannot optimize the load time of individual connections we can ensure that nginx has the ideal environment optimized for handling high traffic situations. By high traffic I mean several hundreds of requests per second, the far majority of people don’t need to mess around with this, but if you do, are curious or simply want to be prepared then read on.
Implementing Full-Page caching with Nginx and PHP
This is part two in my caching series. Part one covered the concept behind the full page caching as well as potential problems to keep in mind. This part will focus on implementing the concept in actual PHP code. By the end of this you’ll have a working implementation that can cache full pages and invalidate them intelligently when an update happens.